“After nourishment, shelter, and Companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world”
— Philip Pullman

Physio In Your Pocket: Rolling the Foot to Relieve Foot Pain during CrossFit
How to properly roll the foot to relieve foot pain or cramping from such injuries as plantar fasciitis.

Video Blog: Shoulder Pain and CrossFit
Shoulder pain is a common complaint among CrossFit athletes. Here is how I can help you recover from your shoulder injuries so you can keep pushing your fitness limits.

How to minimize CrossFit Shoulder Pain
CrossFit requires a high level of shoulder mobility and stability to perform the workouts safely and injury free, though it is relatively uncommon to have both these attributes at the same time. Since you probably don’t love putting in the extra time required to build a base of stability and mobility, here are the best bang for your buck exercises to make the most amount of gains in the least amount of time (15 minutes 3-4 days a week).

How backcountry camping can decrease stress, pain, and renew your appreciation for life.
As a physiotherapist, I commonly encounter how a high demand, high distraction lifestyle manifests not only as mental anguish, but physical pain. Recent research has shown that you can reverse these negative effects by spending time in nature. These are the top 5 reasons to backcountry camp.

Do CrossFit and Take Responsibility for Your Health
It can be challenging to stay physically active in our increasingly demanding lives, with a couple of the biggest hurdles to being motivation and commitment. This is where CrossFit comes in...

First Adventure Race Recap: All the things not to do.
With adventure racing there are a few more variables to consider than your standard road race. We learned a lot through this experience, mostly how to improve for the next race. So for anyone considering making the leap into adventure racing, here are 6 rules to nail your first and following adventure races.

Running shoes and Rehabilitation: A Personal Account
Yes it can matter which type of shoe you are running in to get you through an injury. I am going to share with you my personal experience of why my last three pairs of running shoes have been quite different styles, and why I changed to a different style of shoe to rehab an injury.

When you need a physiotherapist
You may have always wondered what a physiotherapist does, but never had a reason to look into it further. Physiotherapists will analyse the cause of your pain and work to resolve it....

What is Dry Needling?
Have you ever had a friend come from physiotherapy and tell you they were treated with ‘dry needling’? You might think to yourself ‘well that sounds scary and painful, why would I ever consider doing that?’ This post covers where dry needling came from, how it works, why it works, and the recent research to support it.

One Easy Change to Running Technique Can Prevent Injuries
60-80% of runners are injured. Many of these injuries are caused by a common mistake in running technique. By changing this one small error in your running style, you drastically decrease your risk of getting injured. You may even be able to get rid of a pain you are currently experiencing.